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Upcoming Changes at Gorgeous Strands

Upcoming Changes at Gorgeous Strands - Gorgeous Strands Retail


As some of you may have noticed my IG/FB Shops are still not accepting payments from anyone to purchase products. I have contacted Meta daily for weeks now to get the same response, "We are working on it." For whatever reason when you go to check out on my IG shop Instagram will cancel the order saying the payment cannot be processed. What this means for now is that you have to check directly on my website at here.

You will notice in the next coming months that I will be making slow changes to the labels, shipping and the website layout. I recently notified you all of the changes of the Fruit Cocktail labeling. This month Mango Butter Curling Jellie has gotten new labels. Only sizes 8 and 16oz will receive the new labels. The 32 oz jar will still have the same old label for now. I am still testing out whether or not the 32 oz is a good size. Let me know what you think!

The new labels will consist of the size (8 or 16), the shelf life, a bar code (no longer a sticker) and clearer instructions and font. I have not posted new photos of the products with new labels on the site but I will shortly. 

Also, I am only changing the labels. There will not be any formula or ingredient changes at all. 

This is a friendly reminder to reorder your favorite products now. The holiday season is about to begin and during those times the shipping gets crazier! 


Thank you all for your purchases but mainly for your feedback, support and trust! I could not do any of this without you all!

With So Much Gratitude,



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