Are you natural hair curious?

I assume you are curious because you are here, subscribed to a natural hair product and salon email list and site.
I come in peace and understanding. Take the gloves off lol. I have a natural hair salon in Houston and meet a lot of natural haired ladies! All new clients get a consultation so I can talk to them and get to know them, their hair wants and needs and to get a feel of how they feel about their hair. Lots of them are natural hair curious. Solely because they have painted a picture of what they think their hair should look like.
Some are pleasantly surprised and some are not. If they do not turn around to a head full of Tracee Ellis-Ross hair they want no parts of it. The ones that do not like their hair immediately resort to quips like "my hair could never" "I do not have that natural kinda hair" "my work does not allow me to wear natural hair" (that sounds like a lawsuit, honestly) but all in all these are the excuses that some people tell themselves and never look back but still remain curious about the what ifs.
I say this all the time in the salon "manifesting works both ways." Just like we can speak positivity into in existence, we can also speak negativity into existence.
If you are curious, my suggestion is to first find something that you love about your hair now. Not how it was back when you wore it straight but what's oe thing you love about it now. Imagine speaking negatively about a job you desire. Sounds weird, right? Same with the hair you are curious about.
Honestly, we have all been there. I remember the first time I went outside with my natural hair (note: this is very different from walking around the house). It was a warm sunny day. I met my friend for brunch. I did not tell her that I was wearing my hair just to see if she would say anything. She said "Oh wow! You're wearing your natural hair out!" That was it. To me, she may as well had called my Samuel Jackson. I was ready to go. I felt like everyone was staring at me. They were not. Thinking back I did the best that I could but I definitely needed more practice.
No one was staring at me. It was me and this picture that I painted in my head. Once I realized that I started to try to learn more about my hair. I discovered the differing textures, thickness and lengths. I started to visualize what I could do. What clothes I could wear. How I could dress myself up. The biggest thing was I started getting compliments on my hair which also helped me to see my hair in a different light.
Oddly enough my hair experience lead me to think, "If I feel like this I know for sure others do." I started practicing more. My clients started asking me to do their hair like mine and here comes the start of Gorgeous Strands. This was 2010.
If you are curious here are 2 SIMPLE styles that you can start with.
2 cornrows or flat twists are always a simple, cute style. Make it fancy by leaving the ends out.
2 strand twist out. Even if you start with chunky twist. Tip start twisting your hair in the morning so there's a good amount of hours to allow the hair to dry. To many people twist their hair out at night and covering it with a satin bonnet (which keeps the head cool) and wondering why they wake up to wet hair, If you have a dryer sit under it for at least 20 minutes and then let the twists stay for at least 12 hours before you unwrap.
Last but not least the pineapple/bun. It can be up high or down low, which ever fits your face. The pineapple is a classic style that fits mostly everyone and is super easy to achieve. The best thing about the pineapple is you can practice creating your curls within the puff.
Here is a list of products that you can use to create these two style. Click the picture or the title of the product for more details.
Flexible Curl Clumping Detangling Brush