Let's talk natural hair product ingredients - Cetyl Alcohol
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Let's talk product ingredients
A very popular and favorite brand of a lot of people is receiving...
Are you still struggling to get defined twists? Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Twists/twist outs for naturals are pretty popular to say the least. However, some people still s...
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5 signs that you may need a detox treatment for your natural hair
As a natural hair stylist and an open book on social media I tend to get this question a lot: "Ho...
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Transitioning from relaxer for 12 months...
Transitioned for 12 months! She’s finally natural! She booked an appointment for a flexi set but ...
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How to do a flexi rod set on natural hair
Let to do a silky looking flexi rod set on your natural hair without having to blow dry first!
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